Our Hearings, Our Voice

An independent children and young people’s board for the Children’s Hearings System

Meet the OHOV team

Get to know who is who in the Our Hearings, Our Voice Team and learn more about what we have been up to.

We’re not quackers!

Find out about our ducks andwhat they have  been up to.

about us

Welcome to our website! We are an independent board for children and young people from across Scotland between the ages of 8-18, who have experience of the Children’s Hearings System.

Our projects

Our board members carry out project work with partners to improve the Children’s Hearings System. We have lots of different projects on the go and it is growing all the time.





Keeping The Promise

Interested to hear about our work to Keep The Promise?

Articulate Animation – Bringing to life the importance of language in the Children’s Hearings System

Children and young people commit to a two year term as a Board Member, with the possibility of a further two year term (or until they are 18 years of age).

We recognise there may be times when Board Members need a bit of time out from Board activities, and they will be fully supported to do so.

The Board meets six Saturdays per year in different locations across Scotland. The meetings bring Board Members together to identify and develop their priorities for action, work on collective issues and share what they have been working on.
In addition to attending Board Meetings, children and young people have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of Projects.  Projects are short term pieces of work which may come from Partners and Organisations who would like to work with Our Hearings, Our Voice.  The Projects are wide and varied.
Be a Board Member

We invite interest from children and young people all year round to keep our board fresh. Join us in making children and young people’s views heard and influencing decisions to help improve the Children’s Hearings System. It’s an exciting time to get involved!

get in touch

This website is our main platform for keeping children, young people, adults and partners up to date with our work.  We hope you find it useful and inspiring.   If you would like to talk to us, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you!

Our Hearings, Our Voice

An independent children and young people’s board for the Children’s Hearings System 

© 2024 OHOV

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