Resources ...

Published resources

This section includes all the key reports and resources produced by Our Hearings, Our Voice.



Voice Magazine – Issue 3

Provides information and entertainment to young people waiting to attend their hearing.
OHOV Magazine – Issue 3

Voice Magazine – Issue 2

Provides information and entertainment to young people waiting to attend their hearing.
OHOV Magazine – Issue 2

Voice Magazine – Issue 1

Provides information and entertainment to young people waiting to attend their hearing.OHOV Magazine – Issue 1

The Zine

Includes 40 Calls to Action, for improvements within the Children’s Hearings System.The Zine

‘Labels’ Exercise

To determine what language some children feel compromise their rights in Hearings. OHOV Guide to our Labels excercise

LGBT Consultation

A consultation to make Hearings more inclusive for LGBT children and young people.LGBT Consultation

 UNCRC Report

A consultation response on behalf of Our Hearings, Our Voice Board Members.
UNCRC Report

Return – Physical Hearings

A report with views and recommendations submitted to SCRA.
The return to physical Hearings

Our Hearings, Our Voice

An independent children and young people’s board for the Children’s Hearings System 

© 2024 OHOV

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