Keeping The Promise ...
Our Hearings, Our Voice and Keeping The Promise
At Our Hearings, Our Voice, we are big supporters of Keeping The Promise.
In fact we have been working closely with the Hearings System Working Group which is looking at the redesign of the Children’s Hearings System. There has been lots of amazing work on the go. This section of our website gives you all the work we have been doing to Keep The Promise.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or comments. We would love to hear from you.
Our Promise Journey
Discover what we have been doing to Keep The Promise
Promise podcasts
Hear what our Board Members have to say
Our Voices
Board Members’ sound bites on why it is so important
Talking system reform
Board Member Ben interviews Sheriff David Mackie
Interested in Keeping The Promise? Why not join us and become a board member? Find out more, plus how to apply on the recruitment section of our website.
Language, The Promise and the Hearings System 
Are there words or phrases that you wish you could ‘bin’ from the Children’s Hearings System?
We are working on an exciting project to improve language in the Children’s Hearings System. We’ve created a group called ‘Language Leaders’ – we really want to lead the way in making language in the Hearings System more accessible, personal and caring.
To help us identify words that can upset or confuse children and young people, we have created an interactive word bin. All you need to do is drag the words or phrases you don’t like into the virtual bin!
All your suggestions will be passed to our Language Leaders group to support them in making changes.
Our Hearings, Our Voice
An independent children and young people’s board for the Children’s Hearings System
© 2025 OHOV
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